Now that you’ve met each of us and know a little about our lives leading up to this point, it’s time to begin the unfolding tale that began when our paths crossed. As has been more or less established through the previous two chapters, we met in 2009 when Brandi moved to Fredericksburg to participate in a ministry internship (the Burn). Phil was an active member of the missions base, and if he’s honest, he was on the lookout for quality wife material 🙂 To get this story started, we’d each like to share our early memories of meeting and getting to know one another.

Phil Meets Brandi

Having been around for a number of Burn Internships by the time the fall semester of 2009 began, I was used to having fresh “recruits” coming in on a regular basis. Meeting and getting to know the students who would arrive from different locations and backgrounds was always exciting – and first impressions were always interesting. My first impression of Brandi came on a Friday night in a small classroom in which “pre-meeting prayer” was being held. In those days, the Prayer Furnace had it’s primary community gathering on Friday night, and a group would always gather before the meeting to pray. This group would generally include the Burn students.

On this particular Friday, there was quite an energy in the room. Pacing and shouting were the common exercise. So, as I paced and shouted, I couldn’t help but notice one person who decidedly stood out among the rest. Not because she was shouting louder than everybody else. No. Rather , because she alone, in the midst of a room full of fiery charisma, sat in a chair in the corner, head bowed. I remember thinking something along the lines of “I wonder if she’s terrified right now, or just really, really contemplative.” It was a bit of both, as it turns out 🙂

Truth be told, I noticed Brandi not only because she appeared so quiet and reserved. There were other aspects to her appearance as well – her exotic beauty not least among them. She was modest, yet tastefully dressed, and she carried herself with a calm dignity. Qualities that certainly stood out.

Before I continue, I have to mention that I had heard of the Watts family before. We would, in fact, pray for them periodically in the prayer room as a community. The Watts weren’t your average family – with 13 children, 12 of whom were adopted, crazy was their normal. Somehow or another, our community had heard their story, and had become aware of a difficult challenge they had come to face at the time. They had a beautiful farmhouse that had been renovated to accommodate their large family, only to have it become infested with a toxic black mold that could not be remediated. This left them with little recourse other than to accept the loss and pray for a miracle. And, it seemed like a miracle may have come. Extreme Home Makeover had taken note of the Watts family, and was strongly considering them to be featured on the show. For those of you who don’t know, the show involves helping a family in need by providing renovation (or, in some cases, total reconstruction). The prayer furnace had taken on the task of praying for God to provide for the Watts family, either through this show, or through another means.

Now, I have to be honest. Somehow or another, through the bits and pieces of their story that I heard in the prayer room, I drew up quite an inaccurate conception of the Watts family. I imagined them as some obscenely large and pitifully poor clan, dressed in rags, and probably living off of porridge. Okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration – but you get the idea. Imagine my surprise when I finally had the chance to meet that quiet yet beautiful (and stylishly dressed) young woman from the corner – and to learn her name was Brandi Watts.

Brandi Meets Phil

My first clear memory of Phil came with a brief exchange in the lobby of what’s lovingly called the “FBI Building”. This doesn’t refer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Among our community, FBI stands for “Fredericksburg Bible Institute” – which is the facility out of which the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace and the Burn Internship operated in those days.

I was coming in for class, and Phil was leaving from a meeting in the Prayer Room. I remember a cute, dark-haired, dark-eyed guy approaching me with a determined energy and introducing himself. By this time, I’d gotten used to frequent interchanges and introductions with strangers in the community into which I was a newcomer. But I do remember that Phil stood out to me somehow.

In the weeks that followed, I became friends with Phil’s two younger sisters, Anna and Emily, who were also active members of the community. Phil and I had not interacted following our initial introduction, but that was about to change. Anna and Emily, neither of whom were yet driving, were spending time one afternoon at the “girls house” – the home where most of the female Burn students resided. Phil, who had been in Maryland helping his grandfather with various and sundry technical issues, had been commissioned to pick them up on his way through town. Somehow, coming in to pick up Anna and Emily turned into staying for hours as we all laughed, talked, baked cookies, and caused a general raucous. There was a budding interest taking shape deep down, though I was not yet aware of it.

I began to be drawn to Phil, and I think he noticed it, despite the fact that I’m not sure I did at first! The rest of this story, we’ll tell together.

Getting to Know Each Other

Throughout the remainder of the fall and winter, our friendship continued to develop. With it, a growing romantic interest was blossoming as well. Several key events stand out in both our minds as having been pivotal in the progression of our relationship (which was maintained mostly in the form of a friendship throughout the Burn Internship, due to the program’s “no dating” rule).

The first of these memorable occasions took place not long after we became friends. Phil’s parents were traveling overnight, leaving Phil, Anna, and Emily at home alone. A group of friends, including a handful of burn students, were invited over to the Sawyer residence (with parental permission) for an evening of games and fellowship. Very few were able to attend – but Brandi and her roommate Stacie gladly accepted the invitation.

A wonderful time ensued, complete with games, laughter, and meaningful conversation. We were definitively drawn to one another throughout the evening, and took every opportunity of learning more about one another. By the end of the night, we both sensed a mutual interest. We weren’t, therefore, very disappointed when we found that Brandi’s car had mysteriously died in the driveway.

As mischievous as this sounds, we can assure you that no foul play was afoot (unless the Lord’s meddling can be considered such). No attempt to get Brandi’s car running could prevail. Secretly, we both rejoiced – knowing that somehow, this would give cause for further interaction in the coming days. In the end, Phil had to drive Brandi and Stacie back to town, leaving Brandi’s car parked in the driveway, and setting the stage for many future encounters.

The second incident of historical significance befell when Brandi, fellow intern Ashley, and Jason Wolford (a close friend of Phil’s) were snowed in at the Sawyer farm. Having days in which to enjoy one another’s company helped to solidify the growing interest. We found ourselves inexplicably lagging behind during group walks through the snow, and unaccountably sitting next to one another during group activities. Something was afoot.

Getting to know one another, we found so many qualities to appreciate. Phil discovered in Brandi a woman both calm and level-headed (the perfect counter-balance to his overbearing flamboyancy), yet playful and mirthful at the same time. Having a kind soul,and a deep love for God and for others, it didn’t take very long for her to captivate Phil’s heart. Brandi saw in Phil a man both smart & funny, yet more importantly, a man with an unwavering desire for God. Passionate and intense, Phil stood in stark contrast to Brandi’s gentle nature and even temperament. It seems that opposites really do attract!

The Declaration

It was a truly frigid December night. Snow stood on the ground. Brandi’s car still lay stranded in Phil’s driveway (it turns out a bad fuel pump was to blame). As people slowly trickled into the building for the weekly Friday night service, Phil did his best not to panic. He knew what had to be done.

Marching in through the front door with a purposeful mission, he sought out his target. Finding Brandi in the cafeteria, he beckoned her to accompany him out into the snow – hiding behind some sort of lame cover story about having brought the CDs from her car. Leading her out the back door, he abruptly stopped, turned (it should be mentioned that we had no jackets on, and were therefore bracing against hypothermia as the cruel wind whipped about us), and began rambling. The rambling went something like “I like you”, but with a lot more words. Brandi’s response went something like “oh” – also with a few more words (though not nearly so many). And so it began.